Porcelain Inlays & Onlays
Because of natural decay over the years, teeth can easily get cracked, especially if one has gone through frequent dental treatments. Inlays/Onlays are useful in bringing back the tooth to its original form.
Using dental cement, an inlay is placed permanently on the broken part of the tooth’s biting surface, which binds with the tooth enamel for good. Onlays perform the same function only they repair a bigger part of the tooth’s surface than inlays. In case of greater damage where the complete biting surface needs restoration, a crown is placed instead of an onlay. These procedures are simple but require precision and attention to details such as the choice of material used. Porcelain is often regarded as a common option.
Porcelain inlays/onlays help retain the natural strength of your tooth’s bite intact by making a strong bond with your tooth enamel. Opposed to the shiny amalgam, gold or metal alloys, porcelain can hardly be differentiated from the tooth’s enamel.
A few short visits to MM Family and Sleep Dentistry are enough for the completion of this simple procedure.
Contact us today in order to know whether porcelain inlays or onlays is right for you.
At MM Family and Sleep Dentistry you'll go through a careful assessment prior to having any work done.
