Bonded Filings
Dental cavities can be very uncomfortable and are often a reason for tooth breakage and infection. Through a simple procedure called dental bonding, you can put an end to troublesome cavities. Unlike ordinary fillings, bonded fillings make a bond with the tooth, ensuring more stability and longevity. You won’t have to put up with the odd looking and highly expensive gold fillings anymore. Bonded fillings are natural looking and hassle-free fillings which have recently been gaining popularity.
Bonded fillings are best suited in cases of chipped teeth, gap between teeth, uneven teeth surface and cavities.This procedure is more convenient and much less expensive than previous procedures.
It is also not a very complicated procedure involving just a few steps which usually take simply one visit to the dentist.
- Step one is the preparation of the tooth by making small necessary changes to the structure of the teeth and removal of old fillings, if any, before advancing further.
- After reshaping and cleaning of the teeth, a gel is applied to help resin stick to the surface.
- In the next step a carefully examined composite material used for filling is applied, which bonds with the surroundings.
- Once the filling is hardened, the surface is polished and smoothed as the final procedure of this dental work.
Contact us today in order to know more about the bonded fillings procedure we do at our Hamilton Dental Clinic.
